Useful information

Quite often we face the necessity to look for the wording of a particular insurance clause (i.e. definition that was formed in the process of its use in practice).

For our clients’ convenience we decided to create a section where all standard insurance clauses used in contracts are presented.

This section is permanently updated and amended through the efforts of our colleagues. In case you did not find the insurance clause you need, you may contact us, and our specialists will be glad to consult you and help in choosing the right wording.

Institute Cargo
Clauses, ICC

Institute Cargo Clauses are the conditions of cargo insurance prepared by the Institute of London Underwriters. These insurance conditions are acknowledged in the most of the countries and assumed as a basis of the insurance rules of the most international insurance companies.

The clauses named with the letters “A”, “B”, “C” are being used
since 1982.

А. Provide the largest coverage

B. Provide the coverage against the following risks groups:

— Fire, lighting, storm, whirlwind, other natural disasters, crash or collision of vehicles, aircrafts and other conveyances between each other or their collision with immovable or floating objects, grounding, bridge collapse, explosion, damage to vehicle by ice, wetting by outboard water;

— Vehicle or aircraft mysterious disappearing;

— Accidents during cargo loading, stowage and unloading and taking by the  vehicle of the fuel;

— General average;

— All necessary and reasonable expenses for cargo saving, determination of the loss amount and its decrease, if the loss is to be compensated in accordance with the insurance conditions.

C. Provide the minimal coverage

Furthermore, there are specialized Institute London Underwriters Clauses regulating war risks coverage and strikes coverage under marine cargo insurance.

Munich Re Clauses

Munich Re Group

German reinsurance group and one of the global insurance market leaders and the world’s reinsurance market leader. Munich Re is the founder of the standard CAR/EAR (re)insurance conditions.

Munich Re CAR Clauses

Clauses assumed as a basis of the most CAR (re)insurance contracts.
001 — Strike, riot and civil commotion
002 — Cross liability
003 — Maintenance visits
004 — Extended maintenance cover
005 — Construction and/or erection time schedule
006 — Overtime, night work, night work on public holidays and express freight
007 — Extra charges for airfreight
008 — Structures in earthquake zones
009 — Earthquake
010 — Flood and inundation
012 — Windstorm or wind-related water damage
013 — Property in off-site storage
100 — Testing of machinery and installations
101 — Tunnels, galleries, temporary or permanent subsurface structures or installations
102 — Underground cables, pipes and other facilities
103 — Crops, forests and cultures
104 — Dams and water reservoirs
106 — Sections
107 — Camps and stores
108 — Construction plant, equipment and machinery
109 — Construction material
110 — Safety measures with respect to precipitation, flood and inundation
111 — Removal of debris from landslides
112 — Fire-fighting facilities and fire safety on construction sites
113 — Inland transit
114 — Serial losses
115 — Designer’s risk
116 — Contract works taken over or put into service
117 — Laying water supply and sewer pipes
118 — Drilling work for water wells
119 — Existing property
120 — Vibration, removal or weakening of support
121 — Piling foundation and retaining wall works

Munich Re EAR Clauses

Standard wordings regulating conditions of new equipment installation, testing and commissioning risks coverage.
001 — Strike, Riot and Civil Commotion
002 — Cross Liability
003 — Maintenance Visits
004 — Extended Maintenance
005 — Time Schedule
006 — Overtime, Night Work and Express Freight
007 — Airfreight
008 — Structures in Earthquake Zones
009 — Exclusion of Earthquake
010 — Exclusion of Flood and Inundation
011 — Serial Losses
012 — Exclusion of Windstorm
013 — Off-Site Storage
200 — Manufacturer’s Risk
201 — Guarantee
202 — Construction/Erection Machinery
203 — Used Machinery
204 — Hydrocarbon Processing Industries 1
205 — Hydrocarbon Processing Industries 2
206 — Fire-Fighting Facilities
207 — Camps and Stores
208 — Underground Cables and Pipes
209 — Crops, Forests and Cultures
211 — Nuclear Fuel Elements
212 — Decontamination
213 — Reactor Pressure Vessel with Internals
214 — Subsidence
217 — Open Trenches during Laying of Pipelines, Ducts and Cables
218 — Leak Search Costs when Laying Pipelines
219 — Horizontal Directional Drilling of Pipeline Routes
220 — Inland Transit
221 — Safety Measures with Respect to Inundation
222 — Exclusion of Horizontal Directional Drilling