Our services

We are trying not to limit our clients in their opportunities, thus we offer a wide range of services that we are ready to provide in the shortest period and on the professional level.

Original insurance

Furthermore, we are successfully operating on direct insurance market. We are always ready to find the best program for you, explain all possible terms, potential problems, pros and cons of a specific coverage, as well as help with expenses optimization for insurance and increase efficiency of the insurance coverage.


We have a wide range of contacts and cooperate with leading Russian and international insurance and reinsurance companies. Due to the capacities provided by our partners and professionalism of our team, we will place your risks on the most beneficial conditions taking into account specific nature of the company and of the particular risk.

Indicative quotations

Besides risk placing, we will help you to hold a tender, request preliminary indicative quotations from the Russian and foreign reinsurance markets and will find the best and the most profitable placing program based on the individual requirements of each client and risk nature.


We are keeping up with the time and try to catch up with the current market situation. Thus, we would be glad to consult you on any issue related to insurance and reinsurance, provide help with forming of the documents wording and choose carefully all suitable clauses.

Contracts administration
and prolongation

We value our clients’ time, thus we take upon ourselves all the work related to contracts follow-up. Having become our client, you will be released from unnecessary paperwork and you will not have to monitor period of current contracts.

Development of unique
and special business projects

We are not used to give up, and even in case of complex specific risks we are looking for optimal and successful solution of the issues.

Claims adjustment

Lanart Insurance Brokers offers protection of your portfolio from the assessment stage to claims adjustment. We will help to inform the reinsurers about the loss and ensure engagement of them into the adjustment, render assistance in preparation of documents package, re-calculate the amount of losses by reinsurers’ shares, help to choose surveyors, adjusters and international average commissioners and guarantee the payment of the insurance compensation by the reinsurers under contractual obligations.

Translation of documentation

We are always ready to provide qualified assistance in professional translation and adaptation of the specific insurance documentation, as well as to consult on the subtleties and details of business translation.


Advantages of the
Risks Placing through the Broker

Companies may place their risks not only through a broker, but also directly, thus a majority of potential clients are under
a misapprehension that it is more expedient to contact an insurance company directly. However, this is not particularly true, and we would like to pay your attention to significant advantages of cooperation
with us:


By working with us you’ll undoubtedly save your time, as we have all the necessary up-to-date information on the market. Using reliable established contacts we will adequately quote and place your risk.


We can ascertain that by placing the risks through a broker, you will save your money, as there is no need to keep any additional employees for placing, maintaining and following-up insurance and reinsurance contracts. Also, you will not bear any additional expenses for consultations and preliminary quotations.


During our operation we have managed to prove ourselves as reliable and responsible team. Our responsible approach has never failed to meet our clients’ and partners’ expectations.


With us being the true experts in our business you can be sure that your portfolio is in good hands if you are our client. Having established partnership and friendly relations with the leading players of the reinsurance market, we won’t leave any questions unattended and offer you the best solution in any situation.


We work for your comfort. We will do our job, and you will need just to approve the contract text and the offered placing conditions.

Our Portfolio

We are equally successful in the placing of completely different insurance risks and try to render effective assistance to our clients in all fields of insurance. We have a well-balanced portfolio including the following business classes:

— Property, construction, installation and engineering risks

— Various types of Liability insurance (including liability of touristic operators, carriers, directors and officers etc.)

— Financial risks (insurance against losses as a result of business interruption, BBB etc.)

— Marine cargo risks

— Marine hull insurance and P&I

— Shipbuilding risks

— Agricultural insurance (crop insurance, livestock insurance)

— Health insurance and personal accident insurance risks

— Aviation insurance

We try to develop through diversifying our business portfolio. As of the current moment, it looks as follows:

Premium Profile (Treaties)
Premium Profile (Facultatives)