About Us

Lanart Insurance Brokers is young team of professionals constantly developing and having a decent place on the insurance market. Due to our experience in successful implementation of projects, we are engaged into insurance and reinsurance of risks of any complexity on the Russian market as well as on the international one. Our motto – attention to details.

We specialize in proposing the most beneficial conditions of insurance and reinsurance that meet exactly our clients’ requirements. We work on the smallest details thoroughly and skillfully and consider this as one of our greatest advantages aimed at long-term, successful and mutually beneficial business relations with our clients and partners.

The insurance market is actively developing, new type and programs are being devised. Our task is to monitor the dynamics and use up-to-date, advanced and the most effective methods and instruments.

Lanart Insurance Brokers is a member of the Association of Professional Insurance Brokers and takes an active position in cooperation with the leading insurance and reinsurance companies in the CIS countries, near-abroad and far-abroad countries.
We value your time, money and status.

We work with each of our clients and partners taking into consideration the specific character, individual needs and peculiarities. We try to offer the unique solutions for all new projects and make cooperation very convenient and beneficial for all the parties participating in business.


According to the laws of the Russian Federation, only legal or natural persons having the proper licenses may carry out an insurance brokerage activity since
July 2005.

This circumstance allows us to state with certainty that now insurance brokers are thoroughly selected, and only those companies that comply with the state requirements and standards come out to the market.

We are proud that on February 7, 2011 we were granted the License for brokerage activity from the Federal Insurance Supervision Service.

Our registration number according to the Unified State Register of Insurance Entities: 4243.



Indemnity Policy

We take great responsibility in our activity and in our partners’ interests, thus our insurance brokerage activity is insured at one of the most reliable insurance company of Russia. The insurer of our Policy of Professional Indemnity is our close partner – Open Joint-Stock Insurance Company Ingosstrakh.

As of today the limit of liability is 3 500 000 USD, and we are planning further increase of this limit due to development and growth of our projects profile. It is important to us that our clients and partners are confident of safety and protection of our business relations.

We are proud to tell that during our activity we have not made a single mistake or allowed an inaccuracy that could have entailed losses for our partners, as well as circumstances leading to the necessity to use our insurance coverage.

And we intend to remain your best reliable partner
in future.

Policy (PDF)

Our partners

To secure interests of our clients, from the first days
of incorporation, Lanart Insurance Brokers has been cooperating only with well-known, prominent
and reliable players of the insurance market.

We are constantly monitoring the actual situation on the insurance market and keep up with all the changes and personnel replacements, work hard on the quality of our relations with the partners and expansion of our professional contacts network.

Our long-term partner relations are built on mutual respect and high level of competence.